New Zealand's
Text Messaging Solution for Schools
For Emergencies, Attendance
& Notices
share information on emergencies, absences, news, and events with your community using text, email or Facebook™. School-links is secure and fully integrates with your school management software.
Instantly and effortlessly

School-links communication tools integrate with your SMS to save you time and resources
Text Alerts for Emergencies & Notices
Instantly send text alerts to manage emergencies and urgent situations, from your mobile phone or desktop to all contacts or specific groups.
Attendance Management
Spending hours on the phone chasing up unexplained absences? School-links notifies caregivers in minutes and their replies are sent to the SMS automatically.
Newsletters and Notices
Share newsletters, updates and information via email, text, or Facebook™. You choose the group you want to share your news with and how you want to share it.
KAMAR Integration
School-links completes the circle between your Student Management System and your community, allowing you to send and receive texts directly from KAMAR.
edge Integration
edge data is automatically synced and integrated into the School-links communication system.
APT Childcare Integration
The School-links/APT Childcare integration completes the circle between your APT System and your community.
School-links data-syncs to your Student Management System – one database, many communication platforms

What schools say about School-links

Woodstock School.

Woolston Pre-School.

Early Childhood Centre, Blockhouse Bay.

Newlands School.